Brikki digital
sports and media management
A new generation of sports and media management has finally arrived. In this digital era we live in, information has never been more valuable. We focus on the fine details of player management, from monthly financial forecasting & budgeting all the way to building a strong brand and off the field personal image that will last a life time... 

O U R    T E A M





A B O U T 

With over 55 years of combined experience across the sports, business and marketing industries, Brikki Digital (in Partnership with Endurance Sports) brings a new level of service to a new generation of athletes. We focus on being client centric and fulfilling the needs of each and every one of our players under management. 

Professional athletes have enough to worry about during the season and constantly wonder if they will be able to retire and make ends meet after their sports career has passed. 

Luckily, this new generation of athletes are turning to us to help keep them on track and build a solid road map for the future.

Here is just a small list of what we take care of for our family of players:

Financial Planning & Analysis
Monthly Bill Pay
Forecasting & Budgeting
Social Media Management
Content Creation
Personal Branding / PR
Social Influence Campaigns
Foundation & Charity Management
Legal Advisory
E-commerce Management
Multiple Revenue Stream Generation
Professional Liaison Between Third-Parties

In the age of information, we provide our players with the most current, accurate and reliable information so they can make effective and informed decisions for the rest of their life. 

We welcome you the opportunity to have a private consultation with us.
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